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The 7th Cleaner Earth and Atmosphere Conference

Brightening Tomorrow Together

Negativity and pessimism seem to dominate the media in recent years, overshadowing the bright side of our beautiful planet and disheartening its inhabitants. Not to deny the prevailing challenges, but tomorrow is far from complete ruin and doom. There is hope, and we can come together and effectuate this vivaciously. Among others, Wangari Maathai avouched, “We can work together for a better world with men and women of goodwill, those who radiate the intrinsic goodness of humankind.” Brightening Tomorrow Together aimed at bringing optimists from various disciplines of expertise and walks of life together to synergize existing know-how and furthering the latest technologies and measures to hasten the brightening of tomorrow. Yes, together we can efficaciously brighten tomorrow. Helen Adams Keller put this into practice and disclosed, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” This symposium was part of the big dream of the Turbulence and Energy Laboratory. It brought together a diverse group to exchange state-of-the-art advancements and promoted collaborations across different disciplines to hasten the brightening of tomorrow together. Topics of interest included engineering cleaner energy, improving our understanding of oceans and air, minimizing entropy generation, reducing waste and pollution at all fronts, and actualizing eco-friendly agriculture and living. 

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Conference Proceedings Coming Soon

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The 6th Cleaner Earth and Atmosphere Conference

Engineering to Adapt

 Eta, η, the 7th letter of the Greek alphabet, is scrupulously used to denote efficiency and this was what CEA2023 planned to achieve. In context, efficiency, η, is about avoiding waste, may this be energy, time, money, or material, in accomplishing something useful. As such, the conference aimed at bringing experts and future leaders together to forge more efficient ways to engineer and live. In other words, the conference synergized and catalyzed all stakeholders, enthusiasts, and experts from academia, industry, policy arenas, and the general public, to formulate novel ways to improve tomorrow. This symposium disseminated recent progress and promoted collaborations to maximize opportunities for innovative integrated solutions. Topics of interest included resource and energy efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly agriculture, architecture, engineering, and living.

The 5th Cleaner Earth and Atmosphere Conference

Responsible Engineering and Living

Molière holds each of us accountable when he asserted that, “It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do.” Our 2022 conference strived to inspire every individual to practice and foster responsible engineering and living. IT brought stakeholders, enthusiasts and experts from academia, industry, policy arenas, and general public, together to discuss challenges, sharpen existing solutions, and formulate novel means to advance responsible engineering and living. This symposium disseminated recent progress and promoted collaborations to maximize opportunities for innovative solutions. Topics of interest included resource and energy conservation, waste reduction, nature-friendly engineering and architecture, and sustainable vibrant living.

The 4th Cleaner Earth and Atmosphere Conference

Mitigating Climate Change

The 2021 conference brought together research from experts in academia, industry, and policy arenas to uncover the challenges, sharpen existing solutions, and formulate cutting-edge means to mitigate climate change. It highlighted the need to create sustainable measures at all fronts including adaptation, policy, finance, renewable energy, solar, wind, thermoelectric, green transportation, and sustainable healthcare. This symposium disseminated the state-of-the-art breakthroughs and promoted collaborations to maximize opportunities for innovative solutions.

The 3rd Cleaner Earth and Atmosphere Conference

Sustaining Tomorrow 

This conference brought together research from experts in academia, industry, and policy arenas to uncover the challenges and to forge solutions to sustain tomorrow. To sustain tomorrow, we need to continuously make headway in Agriculture, Engineering, Energy, Environment, Economics, Water, among other necessities. This conference and its proceedings disseminated the most recent advances in these fields and promotes collaborations to maximize opportunities for innovative solutions.

Though primarily intended to offer an update for experts and researchers in the field, the conference proceedings appeared to be equally useful as a valuable educational tool for relevant undergraduate and graduate courses. Key aspects covered included the better and more responsible engineering and management of energy conversion and conservation processes, the furthering of renewable energy technologies, improvements in water-agriculture nexus and energy-environment-economics relationship, and endorsing education, implementation, and evaluation of all-embracing sustainability. 

The 2nd Cleaner Earth and Atmosphere Conference

Complementary Resources for Tomorrow

The conference brought together the state-of-the-art in energy and resources research. It covered wind, solar, hydro and geothermal energy, as well as more conventional power generation technologies, such as internal combustion engines. Related areas of research such as the environmental sciences, carbon dioxide emissions, and energy storage were also addressed.

The 1st Cleaner Earth and Atmosphere Conference

The Energy Mix for Sustaining our Future

This conference brought together the state-of-the-art on specific aspects of the current energy status, and covered a wide range of energy and engineering systems, from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles, from the atmosphere, solar and wind, to underground geothermal and underwater turbines and energy storage. The event demonstrated the dramatic advancement of conventional internal combustion engines in terms of both performance and emissions over the past century. It also highlighted how life-supporting elements, such as water and greenhouses, must be prioritized and protected to ensure a sustainable future. The conference proceedings offer a valuable source of information for future leaders, engineers, environmentalists, social forerunners, and decision-makers alike. It also provides a reference guide for both undergraduate and graduate students in engineering, the natural and social sciences, business and economics.

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